Over the course of a 2013, David Spooner and I painted 52 portraits of each other on the same canvas (1 per week). We divided the canvases down the middle with a painted line and painted each other simultaneously. They were exhibited at The Walls, Miami; The Hold Artspace, Brisbane; and Serpentine Gallery, Lismore.

The Walls, Miami, Gold Coast

At The Walls, Miami, Gold Coast

David Creed and David Spooner, Summer was the season for going on balloon journeys through the subterranean, robots are a man's best friend, somewhere between tranquil and the smell of burning rubber, Spag Bowl, Skeletons, Wood Warlock, Dutch Dream, Solvent Free, Surly New Hair Cut, Muppet Man, Tree Turner, Rainbow Romeo, Beige Babe, Red Eye Reduction, Bleu Balling, Cave Creed, Dwarve David, Golf Glisten Face, Toucan Talk, Moe Man, Braised Lamb, 2013 Diary Colour, Paul McCartney Post Modernity, Salmon Rushdie, Hair Cut, David Spooner with party hat, David Creed with Afro/Exposed Brain, Tropic of Reef Fish Flash, Wine Glass Head, Dirty Face, Cool Dude, Aqua Dude, Pooper Scooper, Super Trooper, Well Mouth, Miami Nice Infinity Shoulder:80s/Brazilian, Dark David, Tropical Goblin, V is for Graphic Novel, Red Head Matches Man, Long ear lobes, Turbo Gnome, Pastel Parade, Zinc Nose, The Walking Dead, Egg Head Mole Mouth, Neutral Emoticon, Munch Monet, Tropical Ape Alien, Tree Ogre, Window Yowie, Neurosis Friend Chakra, Pastel Pottery Glaze Gaze, Flesh Beard Brown Hair, 2013, painting installation at The Hold Art Space, Brisbane